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Friday, January 15, 2010

Praying for our Brothers and Sisters

Sometimes in a crisis that is the magnitude of the one unfolding in Haiti, it is so difficult for me to wrap my mind around how to pray. Of course, some generalities immediately come to mind... provision of food and water, rescuing of the injured, and comfort for those who are grieving. But I think God calls us to intercede specifically as well. The Lord has directed me to two blogs of missionaries in Haiti who are communicating an accurate picture of what is taking place. (Thanks to Jeremiah and Beth!) These are the ones I'm praying specifically for. I'm also praying for Dan, the Compassion Intl. worker buried, but alive, in the rubble of Hotel Montana. If you don't have someone specific for whom you are praying, I encourage you to check out these blogs and storm heavens's gates on behalf of our brothers and sisters: The Kruls The Livesays

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